lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

Un objetivo principal y pequeñas metas que te acerquen a lograrlo… / A main goal and small targets that get you closer to your primary objective...

“Las metas son lo que nos mantiene en marcha. Estar continuamente trabajando no es suficiente. Debemos ver claramente el paso siguiente. Para seguir avanzando tras lograr una meta, debemos establecer una nueva. La clave para el impulso es siempre tener algo que buscar.”

“Goals are what keep us going. To be continually working is not enough. We must see clearly the next step. To keep moving after achieving one goal, we must set a new one. The key to momentum is always having something to look forward to.”

Wynn Davis

Wynn Davis es el autor de la compilación The Best of Success: A Treasury of Success Ideas.

Wynn Davis is the author of the compilation The Best of Success: A Treasury of Success Ideas.