martes, 17 de julio de 2018

La diferencia entre tener éxito y fracasar… / The difference between being successful and failure…

"A menudo la diferencia entre una persona de éxito y quien fracasa no es que uno tiene mejores habilidades o ideas, sino el valor que tiene para apostar por las ideas propias, para tomar un riesgo calculado - y actuar."

"Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act."

Maxwell Maltz (10 de marzo 1899 - 07 de abril 1975) fue un cirujano plástico estadounidense y autor de Psico-Cibernética (1960), un sistema de ideas que según él mejorarían la imagen personal de uno mismo. A cambio, la persona llevará una vida mucho más exitosa y plena.

Maxwell Maltz (March 10, 1899 – April 7, 1975) was an American cosmetic surgeon and author of Psycho-Cybernetics (1960), which was a system of ideas that he claimed could improve one's self-image. In turn, the person would lead a more successful and fulfilling life. He wrote several books, among which Psycho-Cybernetics was a long-time bestseller — influencing many subsequent self-help teachers. His orientation towards a system of ideas that would provide self help is considered the forerunner of the now popular self help books.