"Si tuviera que elegir una
cualidad, la característica personal que yo pudiera asociar más con el éxito,
cualquiera que sea el campo, escogería la característica de la
I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being
most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait
of persistence."
RichardDeVos, Sr. (04 de marzo 1926, Grand
Rapids, Michigan ) es un empresario estadounidense, co-fundador de Amway , junto con Jay
Van Andel (empresa reestructurada como Alticor en el año 2000), y propietario
del equipo de baloncesto Orlando Magic,
de la NBA. Forbes Magazine
le ubica como la 64ª persona más rica en los Estados Unidos.
Richard DeVos, Sr. (born March 4, 1926, Grand Rapids, Michigan) is an American
businessman, co-founder of Amway along with Jay VanAndel (company restructured as Alticor in 2000), and owner of the
Orlando Magic NBA basketball team. Forbes magazine
listed him as the 64th wealthiest person in the United States, and the 254th
richest in the world, with an estimated net worth of USD$ 5 B. (At one point,
he was in the top 10 of wealthiest Americans).