viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017

Antes de escuchar afuera, escucha adentro… / Before listening outside, listen to your inner voice…

“Hay un momento en nuestra vida en que podemos cruzar la frontera de la mente.

Hay un momento en el que podemos decidir escuchar realmente a la vocecita interior. Esa pequeña voz es nuestra máxima autoridad, nuestra mayor fortaleza, nuestra paz más profunda, y todo lo que podríamos esperar.

Nos hemos dado cuenta de que si seguimos esa voz interna y le prestamos atención, la vida se desarrolla de una manera nueva. Las oportunidades se presentan y amplían nuestras posibilidades. Hoy podemos cruzar esa frontera mental, cada uno de nosotros, con decidirlo - momento a momento.

Escucha tu voz interior”

“There is a moment in our lives when we can cross our mental boundaries.

There is a moment when we can make a decision to really listen to that still, small voice within.  That small voice is our highest authority, our greatest strength, our deepest peace, and everything we would hope for.

We realize that if we follow that inner voice and pay attention, life unfolds in a new way.  Opportunities present themselves and our possibilities expand.  We can cross that mental boundary today, each one of us, with a decision --moment by moment.

Listen To Your Inner Voice,”

Mary Morrissey, nacida en 1949 en Oregon, U.S.A. Oradora internacional, autora de varios best-sellers, consultora y emprendedora.

Mary Manin Morrissey Speaker, best-selling author, and consultant for over three decades, Mary Morrissey’s transformational talks and seminars have made her one of the elite teachers in the human potential movement. She is the president and founder of LifeSOULutions, an international company providing programs and products that transform dreams into reality. Her work takes her weekly to different parts of the globe. Go to Daily DreamBuilder