martes, 10 de enero de 2017

¿Valdrá la pena?... / Is it worth it?...

“Cuando te sientas estresado, hazte esta pregunta: ¿Importará esto dentro de cinco años? Si es “Sí”, ponte a hacer algo al respecto. Si “no”, déjalo pasar.”

When you find yourself stressed, ask yourself one question: Will this matter five years from now? If yes, then do something about the situation. If no, then let it go.

Nacida en octubre de 1957, Catherine Pulsifer, es una artista del vidrio y autora que comparte su inspiración a través de muchos sitios web. Si quieres visitar su sitio la liga es: Inspirational Words of Wisdom

Byron (my husband) and I self-published my motivationalbooks - Wings of Wisdom, Wings for Goals, and Wings for Work, a costly venture, I might add! : ) I started writing the books and building the website in 1997 to share inspirational words of wisdom. My first website in 1998 was a free site, and in March 1999 Byron and I registered the domain has been growing steadily ever year.