miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

¿Qué haces cuando fracasas?... / What do you do when you fail?...

"Siento que el requisito más importante para el éxito es aprender a superar el fracaso. Debes aprender a tolerarlo pero nunca a aceptarlo."

"I feel that the most important requirement in success is learning to overcome failure. You must learn to tolerate it, but never accept it."

Reginald Martínez Jackson (18 de mayo de 1946, Wyncote, Pennsylvania, E.U.) es un beisbolista retirado de las Grandes Ligas conocido popularmente como Mr. October. Jugó veintiuna temporadas, de las cuales en once logró llegar a la post-temporada. Participó en cinco Series Mundiales y logró cuatro títulos: dos con los Athletics (1973 y 1974) y dos con los Yankees (1977 y 1978).

Reginald Martinez"Reggie" Jackson (born May 18, 1946) is an American former baseball right fielder who played 21 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for four different teams (1967–1987). He was nicknamed "Mr. October" for his clutch hitting in the postseason with the Oakland A's and the New York Yankees. Jackson won five consecutive American League West divisional pennants, three consecutive American League pennants and two consecutive World Series titles as a member of the Oakland Athletics.

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