prioridades para tus metas. Algo fundamental en una vida exitosa radica en la
capacidad de hacer primero lo primero. De hecho, la razón más importante por la
que los objetivos no se logran es que nos pasamos el tiempo haciendo primero lo
priorities for your goals. A major part of successful living lies in the
ability to put first things first. Indeed, the reason most major goals are not
achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first.”
Robert J McKain fue un Planificador del
Estado de Connecticut en los E.U.A. y autor de los libros: "Realize Your Potential" (Desarrolle
su potencial) y "How to get to the
top and stay there" (Cómo llegar a la cima y permanecer allí), AMA
1970. Citado extensamente, McKain sigue siendo un líder de pensamiento de
inspiración hoy.
Robert J McKain was an Estate Planner with Connecticut General, author of "Realize
Your Potential" and "How to get to the top and stay there", AMA
1970,s. His work, noted for it's depth of understanding of "balance"
as the goal of success, was used by the famous Stephen Covey in his successful
work. Quoted extensively, McKain remains an inspirational thinking leader
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